Binal KagatharaDeployment of WordPress site on Kubernetes with AWS RDS connection using AWS and TerraformData is the most crucial item in today’s world for any sector or professional. In addition, the application must be available at all times…Sep 15, 20211Sep 15, 20211
Binal KagatharaStock Predictor using Amazon ForecastThis blog briefly describes how to create a stock price predictor using Amazon Forecast.Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
Binal KagatharaEC2 Auto Scaling based on Number of Request countWhat is Auto Scaling ??Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Binal KagatharaHow to Set Up AWS Free Tier Account and set Billing Alarms if the usage is exceed the limitsPrerequisites for AWS AccountJun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
Binal KagatharaHosting WordPress on AWS Elastic BeanstalkHere, we are going to serve a WordPress application from Elastic beanstalk, using Amazon RDS for MySQL database and S3 for static content.Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021